How to save on your translation budget
For many years now, translation services are being provided by individual freelancers and translation agencies. Most people needing translation would do everything to save some money on their translation budget, but there are some caveats to this. The quality being provided sometimes differentiate depending whether the service provider is an individual or a company. The quality is strongly related to the translator abilities and his/ her standards. Usually because of restrictions in the translation budget, many individuals or companies looking for some translator services are hiring low budget demanding service providers that do not deliver appropriate standard services. In order to avoid these disappointing experiences and still save on his/ her translation budget, one should pay attention to few considerations.
Tricks to save on your translation budget
Previous experience
Before hiring a translator, one should be checking his/ her previous experiences. Previous completed projects provide a view of the quality, standard and price that can be delivered from that specific translator. Pre consulting previous experiences would save you time during the selection phase.
Clear specifications
One of the most problematic aspects of translation is considered to be “customer clear specifications”. During the project, many translators are requiring extra translation budget because they judge that the requisites are higher and require more efforts in comparison to your initial requirements. Thus, in order to avoid this, try to be as clear as possible.
Be realistic
Once you are offering a project to a translator you should try to be realistic with the milestones of the project. Nevertheless your will to complete the job might be high; a realistic deadline would make it more feasible for the translator. If you set unrealistic deadlines you risk hiring a translator that will accept for the sake of “acceptance” and will not be able to deliver the service at the defined time. In this case you would need to pay extra money and efforts for the job to be completed.
No matter who you hire for a translation job, you need to pay careful attention to these elements during the selection phase as on this will depend your translation budget.