How to use Spanish translations to reach Hispanic customers
As Spanish has become such a widely spoken language in the United States, with over 45 million speakers as either a first or second language, Spanish translations have become essential in American culture. Translations into Spanish help bridge the language gap between countrymen and help reach Spanish speaking customers who might otherwise go forgotten. Companies who forget about the Spanish speaking population are potentially losing the loss of 45 million customers, which is something no business can afford to do.
Where are Spanish translations mostly used
The first way English to Spanish translation is needed in businesses is that every business should have employees available who speak Spanish. Especially when products are more complicated and technical, like cell phones that may have difficult to understand plans, household appliances, and big electronics like televisions. The more complicated a product is, the more opportunities there are to be misunderstood. Spanish speaking customers might know which television or phone they want, but it will be difficult to add accessories such as protections plans, cases, and cables. As anyone in retail knows, most of the money is made in accessories, so these sales are essential to successful business. Additionally, if they don’t know what they want or need it will be impossible to explain unless someone is available for Spanish translations.
Additionally, store signage should be translated into Spanish so that customers do not get lost and can easily find what they are looking for.
Another way Spanish translation is used to reach Spanish speaking customers is online. If your website it not translated into Spanish at all, or translated by someone who is not a professional, those customers could be turned off to your company and products forever. To have mistranslated or poorly researched words on your website not only looks sloppy, it can look disrespectful, like you do not care about the Hispanic population. Anytime you want your website to be in another language you must hire a professional translator, or risk looking foolish, disrespectful, and unprofessional.
In every aspect of business, Spanish translations are both needed and wanted. If you want to reach as many people as possible and not lose sales, make sure you have a translator available at all times.