The Value of a Good Translation Company
Translation Company
What do translators actually do? Who can be a translator? What is a good translation and can a computer replace a human to translate resources? These are some of the many questions to which you would like answers. We will try to give you the answers to some of these questions.
Translators convert written (or spoken – interpreter) words from one language into another. This does not mean that they simply replace the words, literally or mechanically. Trained and educated translators adapt the contents of the situation for the recipient in the other language, so we can talk about this as “intercultural translation”. You can find such a translator at a translation company.
We could say that translators are mediators between cultures. That means, among other things, that the translator has a really good knowledge of languages with which she works in a manner that is far beyond the use of everyday language. Such knowledge of the language often includes jargon and the transfer of complex and lengthy texts into the target language.
A translator cannot be a person who is just bilingual, who speaks two languages. The job requires much more knowledge and better than basic skills. As we have already mentioned, they must be qualified. Hire a qualified translator or, ideally, a translation company instead of just a random translator.
A good translation would be a text that doesn`t even look like a translation! It sounds so easy, but it requires skills and a lot of experience. A good translation is one in which the original text was transferred completely and correctly, respecting linguistic and cultural differences that separate the author from the target group of readers.
Good translations are the result of carefully coordinated teamwork between translators, linguists and experts of different profiles, with guaranteed completeness and correctness of the translation. The quality of translation can also be affected by revision and proofreading. This all tells you that it would be smart to hire a translation company instead of a bilingual person who claims that he or she is a translator.